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Tea and Herbs Diet in Tao'an 藥食同源系列 - 悦泉莊膳食

  • 90 Steps


Let's explore the details of each functional food and herb, learning how to use them therapeutically following the principles of TCM. The healthy benefits discussed here come from traditional Chinese medicine food therapy supplemented by the application of new therapeutic techniques developed through modern research, including extensive pharmacological investigations. All foods and herbs, including supplements, come from plants that have their own individual characteristics: temperatures, flavors, reactions to meridians, and therapeutic functions. It is therefore vital to understand your constitution in order to determine which plants will work for you. So please be sure to take the self-assessment in <Food and medicine shares the same roots >Chapter Two before sing the information that follows here. 一起來探討每種功能性食品和草藥的詳細信息,學習如何根據中醫原則進行治療性使用。 此處課程來自傳統中醫食療,並輔以現代研究開發的新療法,包括廣泛的藥理學研究。 所有食品和草藥,包括補充劑,都來自具有其自身獨特特徵的植物:溫度、味道、對經絡的反應和治療功能。因此,了解您的體質以確定哪些植物適合您是至關重要的。所以請務必在使用以下信息之前,先進行《藥食同源基礎》第二章中的自我評估。

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