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The Wellness Wisdom of Meridians and Tea 經絡與茶的養生智慧

  • 17 Steps


In traditional Chinese medicine, the meridian system is the channel through which the body's energy (qi) and blood circulate, maintaining balance and health. Tea, as an ancient wellness beverage, has a unique ability to regulate meridians and promote the flow of qi and blood. This course aims to explore, from the perspective of the Tea Ceremony, how different types of tea interact with the body’s meridians and how to choose the right tea according to the time of day to achieve health and healing benefits. Throughout the course, participants will learn: The basics of tea and meridians: Understanding the properties of tea and its effects on meridians. The correspondence between time and tea: Selecting appropriate teas according to the body’s meridian activity during different times of the day. How different types of tea regulate meridians: A deeper look at common teas like green tea, black tea, and pu-erh tea, and how they influence specific meridians. Using tea therapy to address meridian blockages: How to choose the right tea when meridians are blocked or qi and blood circulation is sluggish. Tea Ceremony mindfulness and meridian harmony: Combining the mindfulness of the Tea Ceremony with meridian theory to learn how to sense the body’s qi flow through tea tasting, achieving harmony within and without. By the end of this course, participants will be able to apply their knowledge of meridians and tea to promote health and maintain balance, based on their own constitution and daily routines. 在傳統中醫學中,經絡系統是人體氣血運行的通道,維持著身體的平衡與健康。而茶,作為古老的養生飲品,具有調理經絡、疏通氣血的獨特功效。本課程旨在通過茶道的角度,深入探討不同種類的茶如何與人體經絡相互作用,並依照不同的時辰來選擇對應的茶,從而達到養生與療癒的效果。 課程將引導學員了解: 茶與經絡的基本概念:掌握茶的屬性與其對經絡的影響。 時辰與茶的對應:依照一天中的不同行氣時辰,選擇合適的茶來促進經絡的通暢。 不同茶類對應的經絡調理:深入分析綠茶、紅茶、普洱茶等常見茶類,如何影響特定經絡的運行。 經絡不暢與茶療法的應用:當經絡阻塞或氣血運行不暢時,如何選擇合適的茶進行調理。 茶道靜心與經絡調和:將茶道的靜心體驗與經絡理論相結合,學習通過品茶來感知身體的氣血流動,達到內外合一的和諧狀態。 通過這門課程,學員將能夠根據自己的體質和每日作息,靈活運用茶道與經絡的知識,促進身體健康,達到身心的平衡與愉悅。

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