For generations, practitioners in the far east have known the power of teas, herbs and flowers to cure symptoms before turning into a disease. We use this holistic approach to focus not only on your physical wellbeing but to balance your body and soul.

Healing is not limited to our body though, it affects both the heart and mind. With our approach, we will help you to regain your energy levels and thus bring you back in balance.
There are many ways for Zen禅 meditation, but the Tao'tea ceremony it is one of the best ways to help us absorb energy and enhance our connection with the Natural.
We came with blessing sand we live with blessing, the energy of our life determines what kind of life we are living. Your blessing energy determines whether your destiny in this life grows into a high-frequency environment or whether you live a less fortunate life.
The life of most ordinary people only consumes their birth blessings till it’s depleted, then life comes to an end.

But people like Laozi (the founder of philosophical Taoism), who are Spiritual practitioners, use a different approach. They actually focus on a high vibrational frequency which makes you feel lighter, happier and more at ease.
Most people think that they only live once and thus need to enjoy the moment right now. Well, there’s nothing wrong with this but they also seem to accept that senescence, diseases and depression in life is a part of the ordinary.
Why we are experiencing senescence(衰老), and facing the endless challenge/difficult? Have you ever asked this question? What, if life is a Möbius Strip(莫比乌斯环)? What, if life just doesn’t stop? And human is just like the ant walking on it, living in the endless circle?

Infinity Möbius Strip(莫比乌斯环)
Do you want to make a change?
Would you want to control your destiny?
Step out of the ordinary life and stop being ignorant. Join our Tao’tea ceremony, find the true meaning of life and enlighten others.
