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The law of vibration

Writer's picture: Taoan AdminTaoan Admin

Updated: Oct 15, 2022

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein. The universal law of nature states everything has its own vibration.

Everything (every atom, object, and living thing) is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. These atoms are in a constant state of motion, and depending on the speed of these atoms, things are appear as a solid, liquid, or gas. Sound is also a vibration and so are thoughts.

The speed or rate at which something vibrates is referred to as its frequency, with the only difference between one object and another being the rate of its vibration.

You can think of this frequency as vibrational energy. Someone's energy, or the energy of a physical space or a group of people, isn't something you can see or touch—but it's something you sense, feel, and react to.

The whole idea behind this law is not only that we all have a specific vibrational frequency but, further, that we can learn to adjust our vibration if we're caught in a low vibrational experience or scenario. The more you attune to your own energy, the more you see how your vibes affect your entire experience.

How to use the law of vibration to your advantage:

1. For manifesting

In order to manifest anything, we must first match the vibration of what it is we're looking for. You will only attract to yourself energy that matches up with your energy. You will only attract vibrations that match up with your vibration.

Say you want to manifest more wealth, but you constantly think about how you need more money. Remember that your thoughts also have vibrational energy; the thought I need more money" actually holds a vibration of lack and could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. We have the power to dictate the frequency of our being by directing our own thoughts.

2. For navigating situations

Tapping into this universal law can help you figure out how you feel in a situation or scenario at any given time. Once you discern what feels high vibrational to you—like attitudes, places, and people that feel connecting, healthy, and exciting—it's easier to sense when you are in the presence of high vibes.

3. For managing emotions

And of course, emotions also hold vibrational frequencies, and working with this law can help you navigate them. Emotions are powerful guides to shift us into a higher, more balanced state of being, adding emotions can range from very low frequency (fear, shame, etc.) to very high frequency (joy and love).

There are no bad feelings—it's all energy that wants to move forward. When we feel anxious or stressed, this is simply energy that wants to move through us and be released.

The law of vibration helps us recognize when we're moving through dense, heavy emotions, so we can let them go and maintain a higher frequency.

How to raise your vibration:

1. Meditate.

Emotions are one of the primary drivers of our energetic frequency or vibration. Picking up or deepening a meditation practice can improve our ability to regulate emotions, let things go, and raise our vibration at the same time. There are plenty of different types of meditation to try, so experiment and find one that works for you.

2. Practice self-care.

Practicing self-care regularly to raise your vibration and show up in the world in a clearer, stronger way.

And the nice thing about self-care is it can look different for everybody: Whether it's by taking a weekly bath ritual, prioritizing getting out into nature, or journaling, when you take care of yourself, your vibration will reflect it.

3. Nourish your body.

Nourishing your body with a high-vibrational diet and movement routine. For example, plant base diet or have the traditional Chinese tea.

Heavy, unhealthy foods can certainly lower our energy, as you've probably noticed after a particularly rich meal. Meanwhile, healthy, whole foods can leave you feeling energetically light and not bogged down.

Similarly, when we're not getting enough exercise, we can feel stagnant, while a good workout can leave us energized.

4. Find what feels good for you and do it.

One of the best ways to build up a solid foundation of being in alignment and raising your vibration is to focus on daily activities that make you feel good and balanced.

Again, this will look different for everyone, we should always trying to focus on - joy, love, and peace, as these vibrations help you feel healthier and happier.

5. Cut out low-vibrational people, places, and things.

And lastly, don't underestimate the effect the external world has on your vibration! The more you work with the law of vibration, the more you'll be able to hold your own vibe steady regardless of outside influence. However, those who are new to this work or are highly sensitive might find this challenging.

Of course, it's impossible to cut low-vibrational situations out of your life altogether. But when you do have the ability to do so, avoiding people, places, and things that drain your energy can help protect the high frequency you've been cultivating.

Why do we need to meditate or co-cultivation in a high-frequency environment (group)?

As per the study in < The Map of Consciousness>: 1 individual at level 300 counterbalances 90,000 individuals below level 200; 1 individual at level 400 counterbalances 400,000 individuals below level 200; 1 individual at level 500 counterbalances 750,000 individuals below level 200; 1 individual at level 600 counterbalances 10 million individuals below level 200; 1 individual at level 700 counterbalances 70 million individuals below level 200; 12 individuals at level 700 equal one Avatar (eg. Buddha, Jesus, Krishna) at level 1,000; Any meaningful human satisfaction cannot even commence until the level of 250 where some degree of self-confidence begins to emerge.

When one’s consciousness falls below 200 at any given moment you start to lose power and thus grow weaker and more prone to be manipulated by one’s surroundings.

With the daily meditation practice, you may find is not so easy to focus if you only just doing by yourself as we are easily influence by others, as in general powerful patterns are associated with health; weak patterns are associated with sickness. Every thought, emotion, word & action has one pattern or the other. Every moment of our day we are either moving towards health or sickness.

Everything calibrates at certain levels from weak to high including books, food, water, clothes, people, animals, buildings, cars, movies, sports, music etc. A good amount of the music today calibrates at levels below 200 eg: rap music. Hence it leads to behavior associated with lower energy levels of consciousness.Most movies will weaken people who watch them by bringing their energy levels down below the 200 level of consciousness.

We are maybe not able to avoid contacting or connect with all those above mentioned in our daily life, especially we are heavily relying on cellphone nowadays. Therefore, it is important to have our meditation practice daily and is beneficial to be in a high-frequency environment (group).

Enjoy a video about how vibration influence each other.


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