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Tao'an Selections - Wuyi Rock tea 特選岩茶
Tao'an Selections - Taiwan Dong Ding Oolong台灣凍頂烏龍
Tao'an Selections - Black tea 滇紅紅茶
Tao'an Selections - White tea 白茶
Tao'an Selections - Pu'er 羅漢果普洱
Tao’an Removing dampness Tea
Tao’an Detox Tea 排毒茶
Siwu Soup 四物湯
Bazhen Soup 八珍湯
Five black soup 五黑湯
Ginseng and gojiberry soup 人參枸杞湯
Ginseng and Polygonatum odoratum soup 人參黃精湯
Yam, and Goji Berry Soup 幹貝淮杞湯
Sour date kernel, longan and lily soup 酸棗仁桂圓百合湯
Fig and pear Soup 無花果雪梨糖水
Adenophora and Ophiopogon japonicus soup 沙參麥冬湯
Tangerine peel, lily and Yin'er Soup 陳皮百合銀耳湯
Gorgon lotus seed Soup 芡實蓮子湯
High-five drinks 五汁飲
Eight precious mushroom Soup 八珍菇菌湯
Bamboo sugarcane grass root soup 竹甘蔗茅根湯
Nha Trang Crimson Earth 芽庄红土
Jasmin Heavenly 茉莉天香
Thunder Zenith 雷霄